Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Film Transporter 3 and Its Narrative Structure

The Film Transporter 3 and Its Narrative Structure Introduction Film like all other forms of art employs the usage of different elements of narrative to tell a particular story. No two film plots are exactly the same and each director has his/her own way of ensuring that each piece of work he/she is involved in has unique features that link the final product to him/her. This essay seeks to analyze the narrative structure of the film Transporter 3. To this end, a summary of the film story shall be provided and then a well detailed analysis of the structure will follow citing adequate examples of from the film.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Film Transporter 3 and Its Narrative Structure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Summary of the plot In order to understand the narrative structure of a given film, it is of paramount importance that a clear understanding of the plot be made. In summary, Transporter 3 film is the third installment of the Transporter series in w hich the services of the lead character Frank Martin are enlisted to transport certain items/people from one corner of the world to another. For this last part of the sequel, Frank is kidnapped by an assassin named Johnson and required to transport a certain young girl, Valentina from Marseille to Budapest. He is also to deliver a certain package at the said location and he is made to believe that the package is the primary item he is to deliver. Frank and Valenina are handed bracelets laden with explosives and they are set to go off should they veer off from the car. In a slightly different development some Russian agents have been sent to kill Frank before he can complete his mission. Since Johnson and his men are constantly tracking Frank via GPS, it becomes impossible for the latter to change the course of the journey. Against all odds, though, Frank manages to overcome the challenges that come his way and manages to deliver the girl in Budapest but not before having a romantic session with her. Narrative structure The action film Transporter 3 follows the three act narrative structure. This basically means that it has a setup that introduces the viewer to a given element of conflict before a resolution is arrived at. In this particular film, Frank is forced to transport a certain package alongside a young girl (Valentina) who happens to be the daughter of head of the Environmental Protection Agency for Ukraine, Leonid Vasilev. This is the setup part of the narrative where we are introduced to the element of contention that will result in conflict much later in the film. As the scenes unfold, it becomes clear that Frank had been tricked and that Valentina is the actual â€Å"package† that he is supposed to deliver. Part of the setup aspect is the revelation that Frank and Valentina have been tagged with distance triggered explosives which prevent either of the two from going more than 75 meters from the car. This helps the view understand why the tw o have to contend with each other even though there is initial tension between them.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The conflict aspect of the narrative comes in when Frank has to constantly battle the individuals who hired him to deliver the â€Å"package† and officials from the Russian government who are out to intercept him. The non-cooperation from his passenger Valentina is also a challenge that Frank has to contend with. We see Frank getting annoyed with the girl when she intoxicates herself with drugs and alcohol. This is just one of the numerous times that we see some form of conflict arise between the two travelers. The resolution gradually kicks in when Frank and Valentina develop affection for each other owing to the fact that they have been forced to stay together for an extended period of time. After outwitting all the assailants that are after him by pulling such physically impossible stunts as outrunning a speeding car and safely crashing over two bridges, he arrives at Budapest with the girl in one piece. This brings the film to a settled conclusion whereby the viewers are not able to clearly understand why some characters in the film had to carry themselves in particular ways. The film appears to conform to the model of the classical Hollywood cinema where it has two distinct lines of narrative development, with one element leading us to follow Frank and his passenger as they drive across the black sea while avoiding and dodging the Russian. The other line follows the romantic relationship between the two lead actors (Frank and Valentina) and this develops in its own tempo but parallel to the main goal of the story (Pramagiorre and Wallis 2005, 41). The characters in the narrative generally fall in at least one of the seven spheres of action that have been fronted by the scholar Vladimir Propp (Thury and Devinney 520-521). These seven categories are hero, villain, helper, donor, princess, dispatcher and false hero (Thury and Devinney 520-521). Frank is the accepted hero of the film owing to the fact that he manages to take down his enemies and safely deliver Valentina to her parents. The individuals who forced him on the mission are the dispatchers and they are also very instrumental in the development of the plot since without them the narrative would not have kicked off. Valentina is the princess and she doesn’t do much in the story but wait for the hero to save and protect her from all the individuals that are out to harm her. The Russian agents are the villains and their main role in the film is to basically disrupt the sequence of events by constantly diverting the direction that the story is taking. Like in most Hollywood creations, the villains generally end up losing by the time the film ends.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Film Transporter 3 and Its Narr ative Structure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The narrative of the film is generally omniscient in the sense that the viewer is able to see all the developments as they unfold (Chatman 1980, 212). The viewer is able to track the movement of the lead character, Frank, and at the same time follow the deliberations of the assailants as they craft ways to get to capture and kill him. This supreme overseer element sustains throughout the film as the narration smoothly transitions to connect the chaser and the chase in some form of explosive conflict. The action in the story is motivated by the fact that like with any other well developed film, there are good and bad guys. The good guy (in this case Frank Martin) is going on with his regular life until things change and he finds himself under the manipulation of the bad guys (Johnson and the Russians). He has to find a way of getting rid of the bad guys hanging over his shoulder once and for al l while at the same time protect all the innocent individuals that he comes in contact with (Valentina). The bad guys on the other hand have their own goals and they take all the necessary steps to ensure that they achieve what they have set to. Their efforts are however not fruitful as the story ends with the good guy having won the challenge and well on his way to his former quiet life. The end of the story however leaves the viewer in a lot of suspense as it is not easy to predict which way the lives of the surviving characters in the story will take. Since the film is but a work of art, there is a general story and a plot to help develop the same story (Aumont 1992, 91). The story is basically an outlining of the challenges that the transporter has to go through in fulfilling his objective of moving a package from Marseille to Budapest. The plot is kicks in with the gradual revelation of what the package is through the various conflicts that happen in the story. The plot and the story are however intertwined in such a way that the viewer cannot distinctly tell them apart. The story ends with the package having been delivered and the plot also reaches a genuine finality with the viewer realizing that the package was the girl, Valentina. In general, all the characters from the story have goals and this is the main reason why they act in the ways they do. Frank, the lead character intends to deliver the package in Budapest and get on with his life while his passenger, Valentina, hopes to get out of the mess that she has found herself in safely. The goal of the Russian agents is to intercept Frank before he gets to his destination and that of the individuals who set him on the mission is to ensure that he delivers the package as instructed. The pursuit of the different goals help drive the story and the regular crossing of the paths of all the characters helps bring out the intended cinematic and dramatic effect. Like with most other films, the story could eas ily have been told with the omission of a number of scenes but in order to give the film some mileage, the creators introduce an element of romance to act as some form of comic relief.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The development of romantic relations between Frank and Valentina has been put in the film ostensibly to give that part of the film a different slow-down to counter the rapid pace that the rest of the film has been hitherto taking. This, of course, also results in the final product getting a few extra minutes on the running time to reduce the element of the audience feeling â€Å"cheated†. In the maintenance of continuity, the editors of the film have to a large extent employed the technique of cross-cutting whereby the viewer is moved from one scene to another spatially unrelated scene in a series of shots (Dancyger 2007, 451). This method puts the viewer is in a position to understand that the scenes in question are separate but the happenings are parallel and related to each other. The match-on-action technique of continuity editing has also been used particularly in scenes that are heavy with action sequences. This is a technique that basically requires that a shot picks up immediately where the preceding shot had left (Bordwell 1985, 293). For instance, in the scenes where Frank crashes off bridges, the progression of shots used emphasizes the distance that the car jumps and the general effect of the impact. This technique has also been utilized in the shooting and fight scenes in order to weave the unfolding of evens as one piece of the story. Conclusion Each film is an independent work of art and it will tend to have unique structure particularly in terms of the narrative element and this will primarily depend on the choices made by the creator. This essay has analyzed the narrative structure of the film Transporter 3 by providing an assessment of the general narrative, a review of the shot techniques and has also studied elements of characters and characterization that are applicable for this film. Various forms of literature have been used to provide the background for assessment of the movie particularly in explaining the theories behind film narrative structure. Reference List Aumont, Jacques. 1992. Aesthetics of film. Texas: Texas University Press. Bordwell, David. 1985. Narration in the fiction film. Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. Chatman, Seymour. 1980. Story and discourse: narrative structure in fiction and film.  New York: Cornell University Press. Dancyger, Ken. 2007. The technique of film and video editing: history, theory, and  practice. Massachusetts: Focal Press. Pramagiorre, Maria and Tom Wallis. 2005. Film: a critical introduction. London: Laurence King Publishers. Thury, Eva and Margaret Devinney. 2005. Introduction to mythology: contemporary  approaches to classical and world myths. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How To Write Cold Emails The Right Way

How To Write Cold Emails The Right Way Cold email marketing became popular in the past few years, the idea being that it was an extension of genuine interest and engagement. You’d let people know you mentioned them in a blog post, or referenced them in some other content, like in an ebook. Or you’d share something you wrote that they might be interested in for their own blog or research. They would most likely share it with their followers. Good times, all around. And it worked. Unfortunately, it has morphed into something else, much like guest blogging was co-opted by spammers and sullied. I wish I could share the tweet with you that set my mind to writing this post, but unfortunately, it has been pulled down. Essentially, with typical Twitter bluntness, the writer of the tweet said this: Online email marketing today is an email from some guy saying, â€Å"I mentioned you in this thing I wrote. Share it with all your people.† I suspect he pulled the tweet down because the language was a bit more colorful than this, no doubt stemming from the sense of frustration as his already burgeoning inbox was bombarded by this careless kind of marketing that is really little more than spam. I’m going to approach this post a bit differently, positing some theories about cold email marketing at the start. If everyone ends up doing it, the effectiveness is lost. Even if it’s a miracle cure, too many people are poorly trained in administering it. Even in perfect form, the sheer amount of emails can overwhelm. You must have patience. People don’t all move at the speed of marketing. The recipient must truly benefit and get value from your request. Cold email  marketing can be done well, just like guest posting still has a place, but too often, in the wrong hands or from marketers who are too busy and have an eye on numbers instead of the hearts of the people. It is something ugly. A Tale Of Frustration True-story time, so that you can learn from my pain. I generally receive a fair amount of emails each day from people who want me to look at their blog post or ebook. They tell me quickly that they’ve mentioned me or something I’ve written in their content, and would I please... Check it out. (Pretty vague, and it doesn’t tell me how I’m going to benefit, only that I’m going to have to give up time to do it.) Review it and see if I agree. (Feels like being baited, but I might bite depending on how they worded the email.) Comment on it. (Again, time consuming and how do I benefit by giving you social proof?) Give them pointers on how to make it better. (I find this confusing; I don’t have time to spot-edit other content. I think this is supposed to be flattery, but I would advise wording this kind of request carefully.) And, most importantly, would I share it with my followers lots and lots of times. Some I respond to, and some I don’t. Because I’m an introvert  and also fairly regimented in what I allow myself to do each day, that would interfere with work and personal time, so I don’t always respond right away. Many of these cold emails are hastily written and don’t offer any genuine reward. So if I don’t respond, I archive it away. Sometimes I’d get a follow-up email, wondering if I’d gotten the previous email, and repeating the original request. Some folks follow up the follow-up many times over, and that’s harassing. One day, I received a typical cold email. It said this: Hey Julie. I love your blog post X. The best part was this: X. Here is a quote I liked: X. We wrote something similar and I’d like you to check it out. I would love your feedback. Sharing it on your blog and social media would be great! :-) I read it, and I thought this: It’s a form email, with blank areas for personalization. They used the quote to prove they read my blog post, but is a large pull quote suggesting they didn’t actually read it. It feels like part of a massive campaign with an attempt at being personal. I don’t know this person. I archived it. Six days later I received this: Hey Julie. Just touching base again. While waiting to hear back from you, I read this wonderful post on your blog about X (same blog post mentioned in the first email). I liked it so much I shared it with my Twitter audience. Here is the tweet: (link to twitter.com, not any specific tweet or profile). Here is something similar: (same blog post they wanted me to check out last time). I hope you enjoy it. Do leave a comment or share it. I archived it. Clearly, a follow-up cold email form with sloppy attention to details. I’m not going to share content from anyone who isn’t careful about details, since the content I share and curate  reflects on me. Recommended Reading from Neil Patel: The 6 Types Of Social Media Content That Will Give You The Greatest Value Two weeks later, I receive an email from the same group. Unfortunately, they mixed up their copy and paste efforts, it seems, and it was for some guy I didn't know, containing an email reply chain. Same email template and wording, same blog post they were pushing. I responded back, letting them know of the mix-up and that their email hadn’t gone to the correct person. I also politely and pleasantly noted I was not interested in these types of cold emails. Ten days later, I received an email starting another round of the same templates for another blog post. I archived it. Ten days after that, someone else from that group made a friend request on some of my social media profiles and promptly sent me a message with a link to their LinkedIn Group. Sixteen days after that, I received a  cold  email announcing beta access to their app. They also asked if I would please sign up and promote their app on social media and on my blog to my friends? Ye gads. This is one example. I have many. I save the emails, because sometimes I can’t believe people are doing it. I want to say this to these folks who are going about cold email marketing in this manner: You keep taking up my time and bandwidth. What do I get out of this? Before you send cold emails, ask yourself: What does the receiver get out of this? #WIIFMWhat To Ask Yourself As You Write Your Cold Emails Assuming you’re not an influencer and that you’re looking to build your audience and get some new attention with the help of someone who has a bit of influence, what do you have to do to make cold email marketing effective again? Frankly, much of these next steps can work for any marketing approach, not just cold emails. 1. Did it jump the shark? Before we proceed too much farther, I’d advise you to learn how to evaluate a marketing technique and decide if it’s jumped the shark. This cold email technique may have, indeed, reached critical mass, if you have influencers and others grumbling about it on social media. It has been proposed by leading marketers as a winning technique for so long now  and has been used by those of us in the trenches, causing it to lose its power. But maybe not. What kind of responses are you  getting back? Perhaps your email method works, perhaps your style is off, or perhaps the technique is alive or dead. You decide. 2. Am I valuing the person? Signs of not  valuing the person you’re about to make a request of: Emails that fill up already crowded and noisy inboxes that are filled with jargon, insincere compliments, overly casual friend-talk from a stranger High request loads (share this, do this, review this) for busy people Constant â€Å"follow-up† And a barrage of simultaneous friend requests on every social network out there the same time you send the email That feels like a war campaign, not a genuine relationship. That feels like you’re checking things off a marketing list according to a schedule, and not seriously inquiring and engaging. You clearly want something from the person without any quid pro quo. Explore how you can bring true value to the influencer before you send #ColdEmail.3. Is my timeline off? Remember, people don’t move at the speed of marketing. Engagement is not a cold email and a follow-up. That’s little more than the digital form of advertising circulars in the mail that have my name on it generated from some database. Real relationships, and real engagement, takes time. You can’t flood the Internet with cold email marketing in hopes of fast returns. In other words, do not spray your emails out to random influencers and strangers, taking the shotgun approach and hoping something sticks. That’s a good way to ruin your reputation and have your email marked as spam, or categorize you as a â€Å"troublesome" emailer. You must focus on specific people with specific communication tailored directly to them personally and genuinely. Their interests. Their concerns. Thoughtful responses. That level of communication necessarily reduces the amount of emails you can send out, and it stretches out the timeline. While it would be nice to think of cold emails as a campaign-based technique that fits a particular timeline centered around a specific set of content, I am suggesting that era has passed. It may have worked that way when the technique first developed, but if my inbox is any indication, getting a flood of emails based around the latest content piece someone is pushing that month and my reaction to it (as well as the now-gone tweet mentioned earlier), it's leaving a bad taste in people’s mouths. 4. Is there any real interest? If you don’t hear back, you didn’t hear back. Don’t follow-up your follow-up your follow-up your follow-up. Don’t send messages on other social network messaging systems, too. If the person isn’t interested, move on. And tell the rest of your team as much. They’re just not that into you. If someone doesn't reply to your #ColdEmail, they're just not that into you. Move on.What You Need To Do If you’ve asked yourself those questions and are legitimately good to go forward, you need to know how to do it right. 1. Pre-engagement engagement. Choose a few influencers or people you’d like to target in the hopes that they will do the same for you. Be creative. Pick a few who aren’t on the top of everyone’s list, perhaps. Look for people who: Are active on social media. Have followers who are active. Have lots of blog comments. Are in the habit of promoting others or doing what you’re ultimately going to ask them to do. Are someone you’ve engaged with legitimately (i.e. not looking to get something from) in the past. Have responded to you in the past. Are doing something unusual, unique, or have a brand or thing going on that is different from everyone else that you are  truly interested  in. Please notice:  You’ve engaged with them in the past without trying to get something from them. And also, please notice: Someone doing something you’re truly interested in. Do you see people as merely a means to an end? Do you target influencers who are merely in your niche or have the fame, or are you actually interested in what they say and do? If you aren’t truly interested, you’re going to have a tough time forming a legitimate relationship and communicating with them on a real level. Do you see people as merely a means to an end? If yes, influencer outreach isn't for you.Remember this, because I’m going to harp on this and allude to it for the rest of the post: Natural conversation stems from true interest. Real relationships stem from caring about someone else. If you’re a well-known person in your niche, and considered an important and relevant influencer, you might be able to get by without some of this. After all, you can’t care about everyone; you’d be exhausted. But most of us aren’t, and you need to lay the groundwork of genuine friendliness first before launching requests. If your first contact as an unknown quantity is market-ese, empty flattery, a form email, and â€Å"do this for me please†, you failed. You did it wrong. 2. Inject tangible value into your communication. Remember, this cold email technique doesn’t work unless you genuinely have something of value to offer the recipient. And by genuine, I don’t mean some sort of empty flattery or suggestions of assumed or forced quid pro quo (â€Å"I share your stuff all the time. You should do the same for me.†) You need to add some value. And you need to show that you value the actual person. Adding value and benefits is easy enough. You know the drill. You offer the recipient access to exclusive information or data, a free copy of your ebook, a guest post, help with something, first use of an infographic- that kind of value and benefit is easy to understand. But how do you show the person that you value them? Simple: You assign time or money to the interaction. In a busy and fast world, time and money carry weight. You could send a postcard. A letter. A Graze box. A holiday card. Treats for their whole team. A hot new book on their Amazon wishlist. If the person constantly gushes about Yo-Yo Ma on their social media feeds, send them a Yo-Yo Ma CD. If they love Star Wars, send them something Star Wars-y. Donate to their favorite charity. Spend months conversing about non-marketing things like you would with a friend. Offer to help them here and there, early on, before popping a request (â€Å"I’d be happy to be a beta tester/bug finder† or â€Å"I can create some graphics for you if you need a little help.†). This isn’t about being a creeper or about breaking some sort of pay-to-play laws. It isn’t a guarantee they will do what you want. It’s merely saying with action that the person matters and you took the time to show it. Talk is cheap, especially online, and when I get something that took time or money to communicate with me, I pay attention. That person was willing to expend something of value to them in order to get my attention. For example, I recently received a letter from a blog reader from Kentucky who had read a post I’d written here on the blog. And by letter, I mean paper, in an envelope, with a stamp. He wanted to thank me for writing on a topic that he hadn’t realized he should learn about, and felt he needed to let me know how much it had helped him. So I wrote back. I responded. If that person asks something of me, I will certainly be paying attention and more likely to at least respond again. I’m going to be bold and say that being personal is the only way to stand out now. Clever or flattering language in an email doesn’t really do it. It’s not enough, anymore, to run the data and find a â€Å"slow email† day so your email doesn’t get lost in the shuffle because, truthfully, there are no slow email days. They’re all pretty heavy, with some days being merely slightly less heavy. Say  with action that the person matters and you took the time to show it. #OutreachIf you simply can’t imagine doing anything more than email, block out the time to send real emails long before you need to make a request. You might: Ask their opinion about something they are interested in (anything other than about a post you just wrote). Ask questions, as if they were a mentor (but no links to your site right away). Sincerely tell them how their writing has helped you. Share some content with them that isn’t yours. Tell them why you thought it might help, or how it fit in with what they have previously talked about. And then wait a bit before repeating. You’re establishing that you’re not just out for what you can get. When thinking of cold contacting an influencer to gain traction for your content, ask yourself these questions: What is too common? What is uncommon? How can I make this happen using something uncommon? You know what happens when you add benefits and show the email recipient they are valuable to you? They see your request  as being more valuable. You took the time to add value to it, therefore, it is a more valuable request. This is a simple equation. 3. Don’t care so much. This one technique, that of cold emails, cannot be the cornerstone of your marketing plan. If it is, you'll care too much. If you care too much, you’re going to chase after it too hard. You’re going to â€Å"follow up† to the death and ruin your chances of future success. I’m not proposing apathy, but patience requires you not to sit and stare at your phone waiting for the email to arrive. Be Picky. The crucial question is this:  What can you do  (not just say) that shows you invested time and/or money into your communication? What have you done that shows you value the person? What can you do (not just say) that shows you invested time/money into your #Outreach?If you have the mindset that the person you’re making the request of is more valuable than your request, you won’t slip into spammy and frustrating behavior, and something, ultimately, will come from your efforts. So, in recap: 1. Pick your request. By deciding that you will add true value (backed by time and money) to your request, you’ll be less sloppy and more casual in the requests you make. Instead of pushing every third blog post, you'll take the time to create some kind of content that truly matters. 2. Pick the person. Use the list and choose your email recipients wisely. A bigger list isn’t always best. Be sure you only take on what you can handle in a personal manner. 3. Pick the method. Choose a creative way to communicate to get the recipient’s attention, but remember to do it early on before you begin to make requests. Be uncommon. If email is the only route you can go, remember that caring about people and communicating that genuinely without wanting something in return is, in and of itself, uncommon.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 25

Assignment Example 2. Another reason for this is that people don’t remember the bad times i.e. the depression. Many have a sense of security that has developed because of the structure laid out by the public sector through social security and unemployment benefits. In reality when and if things get that bad the state will not be able to support its people to that extent and those with little or no savings will be in a lot of trouble. 3. The form of money is also a problem. It’s no longer just coins and banknotes, money is now cards and spread through the internet. People have lost their sense of money. Credit cards seem to perpetuate the feeling that there is an unlimited supply of money that one has. Most people just keep spending more and more without realizing that eventually the money will run out. As opposed to this if they had a physical set amount in their hands they would have to be much more careful how they spent it because they would be able to see exactly what they were doing to their money. 4. Popular culture is another culprit because it promotes the materialistic attitudes that people have. Most people want to copy the lives of their favorite characters on screen. In order to make their lives like those of the character they are willing to spend a little more. The country’s media system is one of the most developed in the entire world and hence has a huge influence over the core

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reflecting on whether it is in the best interests of the business Essay

Reflecting on whether it is in the best interests of the business community for there to be constraints on a government's disc - Essay Example Nevertheless, this report looks at the nature of fiscal and monetary policy and implementation may affect business specifically with regard to investment. In the end, the report postulate that there is little effect resulting from expansionary fiscal policy and that it has little effect on demand, output, and employment. Also, the report notes the important role business community should play in fiscal and monetary policy making since they constitute the largest group that get affected by these policies. Governmental Discretion over Fiscal and/or Monetary Policy Introduction Business activities are affected by different factors macro and microenvironment operation environment. While microenvironment sometimes may be within the control of the organization, macro-environment –on the other hand involves external factors that affect the business, which in turn may define the success or the failure of the organization. For example, macro-environment spans politics, economics, socia l matters, technology, legislation, and eco-environment (Elearn Limited and Pergamon Flexible Learning 2005). Political environment particularly legislative environment constitutes specific set of external business environment that business communities in any given country have been forced to adhere to. For example, monetary and fiscal policy process in any country has affected business in the positive way or negative way given the nature of the particular legislation law. Therefore, the focus of this paper will dwell on investigating and finding out whether it is in the best interests of the business community for there to be constraints on government discretion over fiscal and monetary policy. Exploring the concept of fiscal and monetary policy Both fiscal and monetary policies are seen to be interrelated and key tools to the development of many countries especially the developing one. For instance, fiscal policy constitute all measures that are adopted in order to increase the ge neral welfare through the public control of resources by means of public spending, resource mobilization and price fixation in public and semi-public enterprises (Elearn Limited and Pergamon Flexible Learning 2005). Today, fiscal policy has been embraced as a toll of development strategy when analyzed in broadest sense it can be seen that it provides a set of instruments to pursue both the best use of resources in terms of efficiency and equity and their maximum possible use in terms of employment, price stability and satisfactory rate of growth (Mukherjee 2007). Exhibiting characteristics of monetary policy, fiscal policy performs a very critical and beneficial role in the economy and analysis has shown this kind of policy performs two important roles in the economy with regard to raising financial resources for development (Mukherjee 2007). First, fiscal policy constitutes a set of mechanisms that ensure the country’s employment level is maintained at its full capacity and as such, the aggregate capacity to save does not go down (Mukherjee 2007). Secondly, it helps to raise the marginal propensity to save of the community above the average propensity to the maximum extent possible without discouraging work effort or violating the law of equity (Mukherjee 2007). Fiscal, together with monetary policy, are seen to be two

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Political Violence and Gangsters Essay Example for Free

Political Violence and Gangsters Essay Eventually, due to many reports of violence and killings being associated with D’Andrea, he decided to withdraw from politics instead of his political ambitions being linked with blood shedding. Immediately after his withdrawal from politics, he and his friend started receiving death threats. On May 11, 1921, as D’Andrea was moving to his home with who used to be his bodyguard, they parted well and on reaching his doorsteps, he was attacked and suffered internal bleeding. Other incidences of violence which were politically oriented were witnessed in Chicago city after Merriam Charles who was a professor lost in the elections of Chicago reforms. He made it clear that Chicago was the most corrupt city in America. Until the times of Cermark, the issue of one monolithic was no more, but instead establishment of a collection of mini machines. Such machineries were controlled by prominent political factotums who dispensed their jobs in favor to their home constituents in return due to their loyalty on the material election date. An alderman’s clout purely depended on liability of political structures and schemes to have his vote delivered. In this city, the question of either winning or losing never rose to the politicians but the organizations definitely won the battles through all means because always the court was based on pluralities. (Write here Author’s name)Could you write here author’s name please? Introduction. The Chicago’s criminal reputation preceded long the wars between beer and Al Capone. Although they were born during the same year as sensationalists, American’s new and penny press fear of a masteries working class, the city was perceived even to its earliest observers as a hotbed of immorality and criminal events. Cases of theft murder, rape and crimson among other mayhems became the town’s breaking news in most of the media services. According to the cities complain that the business stealing horses had been reduced to a regular system in 1840, the tribune echoed the perception of the countless Chicagoans (Wirth 1965, p.77). Within the course of the same year, around 2,500 cities’s first hangings were reportedly and confirmed. As the time went on, observers from both beyond and within the city continued to note the existence of identifiable events of crime under ward. In the democrat ward, it was still getting to be notorious fact that pickpockets, thimble, robbers, three-shell game players and broad cases of sly tricks application to cheat become perfectly in the city. The criminal reputation in the city was enhanced by the visibility of vice (Brumer 1969, p.28). Within a half century’s period, more cases of gambling were reported in the city than the larger city of Philadelphia and more per capita than in New York. The vice was first concentrated in a certain area along the river of Chicago known as the ‘patches’ where by the tribune interpreted it as the most beastly sensuality and darkest place of criminal events. The city’s reputation was also wicked as many people witnessed the fire of that time as divine retribution which was against a modern day of Sodom and Gomorrah. The case of lawlessness after the conflagration provided no cause for optimism. One of the newspapers called the city reported that the entire city was infested with groups of burglars, thieves and cut-throat, bent on plunder and also murdered. The fire did not show any sense of redemption whereby the Chicago’s reputation darkened with time. As a result of existence of the image of lawlessness, violent labor dispute crisis increased especially with the Hay market crisis (Davis 1960, p.78). Understanding Political Violence. There is more to the modern political regions than the political religions and rituals sematics as it is assumed regarding to National Socialism and other regimes in totalitarian. Political style and other ideologies do not matter although they provide an answer to as how dead certainty came to be achieved by the ultimate mission. The revolutionary terror furies and sacrifice of the national revivalism give provision that in the current world, it is the region that is in violence but not the violence in region. Human rights violations, including the torture, kidnappings and murder were the daily phenomenon in Chicago city in 1920th. It had become a normal issue that disappearances and murder of labor leaders, kidnapping, union organizers and leftists to be increase especially during the events of politics. According to the research, many people were assassinated as a result of politically motivated killings in the country. Political violence and social change should be considered as the major factor as a breeding ground for violence. The focus should be to the armed organizations mainly the terror perpetrators who are not within the military operations. The aspect of how the political and economic situations in different social strata and how they link with violence should also is considered. Both armed organizations and terror contribute to economic decline. Armed conflicts are more common in the transitional societies like Chicago than in advanced countries (Green 19995, p.65 ). The killing of the vice leader by the name Jim Colosimo in the year 1920 which was the first year of prohibition, indicated a new phase in Chicago’s violence. The violent bloodily a beer wars between the year 1924 and 1930 made Al Capone very famous and the city synonymous with a new phenomenon of gangsterism. Notoriety in Chicago city grew due to series of violent incidences including; the 194 violent shooting of gang leader Dion O. Banion in his flower shop in North side, 1926 machine gunning of Hymie Weiss near the Holy Name Cathedral, 1929 Saint Valentine’s Day massacre which was done to seven people in a clerk street garage. These cases were very widely reported in the international press and also became the incidents of subjects of the popular contemporary plays and books (Haller 1973, p.254). Political Violence and Gangsters. To outline how politics contributed to violence activities in Chicago in 1920th, Chicago’s Union Siciliana elaborates how the decade was marked with series of slaughter. The organization of Unione siciliana was like a mafia group which was very mysterious. It was composed of the Camorra and the Black Hand. This organization was among thousands of fraternal organizations established in America for the purpose of mutual benefit in the societies. It was organized in the Chicago city and had limitations in membership. Depending with the organizations rules, the natives from other countries were interested to join and they were allowed, whereby at the end of first world war, there were many lodges of non Sicilians among them being Tuscan lodge, the Ventiam lodge, the Roman lodge and many more (Mc Garry 2004, p.556). The Union had no leadership but only membership. The leadership of Unione siciliana was exclusivity a stone in the shoe in most infamous gangs always. Al Capone whose heritage was in Neapolitan was associated with the responsibility of the killings of the most Unione Siciliana leaders during the 1920s due to their gang allegiances. Within the decade of 1920s, Anthony D’Andrea was appointed as the leader of the Chicago’s Unione Siciliana. Being born in Sicily, Anthony was a graduate from Palermo University who was a linguist and at the same time, he had studied priesthood. In the year 1902, he was convicted due to counterfeiting and forced to serve 13 months in the prison. In 1903, a former student of D’Andrea interceded on his behalf whereby Anthony was pardoned by the president Theodore Roosevelt. In Chicago, Anthony D’Andrea was known as the former power in the old red light district because in his early teens he was linked as being in connection to a certain gang of Italian counterfeiters and also bank robberies that based operations throughout the country. During this time, Ignacio who was also called Lupo the wolf Saietta was put under arrest in the city of New York and imprisoned. On the other hand Anthony and Frank Milano were also involved in counterfeiting and apprehended in Cleveland and both charged. This indicated that the Italian underworld criminals may have been networking together for long time prior to prohibition (Merriam 1929, p.78). When Anthony D’Andrea was released from prison in the year 1903, he proceeded to Chicago and settled in the so called 19th ward. He was interested with politics and joined local unions. D’Andrea’s Brother Joseph who was the president in the Sewer Diggers was later involved in the Peon system of extorting money from the Italian robberies. As a result, he was murdered on the canal street during a labor quarrel as they were budding the Union’ station. Consequently, it was noted that his brother Anthony D’Andrea would take his position of a presidency. John powers had been the Alderman and the democratic political boss in the 19th ward since the year 1888 had won the Alderman’s post in the ward for 16 elections consecutively (Shapiro 1988, p.143). It is from this time when the ward transformed from predominately Irish to around 80 percent Italian. Most of the democrats started to look for Italian democrat to represent them whereby Diamond Joe was the representative of Italian republican voters within the ward. Earliest on, the split between powers and D’Andrea had been noticed in 1915. The difference was due to each one of them supporting a different mayor candidate. In 1916, D’Andrea presented himself for the Democratic nominations against powers picked candidate James Bowler. In the same year, a Bowler supporter was killed in a Taylor street saloon. Police from streets of Maxwell claimed Lombardi Bowler’s killing as being just the latest addition to Black Hand toll. On the same month, Chicago’s daily tribune printed an article with title that, police on guard in two homes in Mafia terror (Hagan 1978, p.112). According to the article, it indicated that police had full confidence that the killing was as a result of Sicilian feud as it was opposed to the 19th ward political war. According to John Landesco with organized crime in Chicago, he declared that D’Andrea was the elected as the Unione Siciliana’s president which was one of the strongest organizations of foreign groups in America. When power noticed his defeat, he tired to make peace with D’Andrea whereby D’Andrea accepted to support powers for adreman’s position. The Supreme Court of Illinois however voided the election results and Powers took the position. When these events turned, there was a declaration of political war to the death (Gosnell 1937, p.432). On September 28, 1920, an explosion of bomb was witnessed on the porch of Alderman Power’s residence. Powers political rivals claimed that, Powers was keeping the house on Alister place so they intended him to claim residency within his 19th ward. Sometime after the explosion, Anthony D’Andrea was recorded announcing his candidacy as a non partisan for alderman’s position in that 9th ward. On the Feb. 11, 1921 just eleven days before the elections of the aldermanic, another powerful explosion of bomb was evident at Anthony D’Andrea’s political rally in the building on the Avenue of Blue Islands. After the incidence, Alderman Powers was the most sympathetic man. In response to these incidences, the Illinois state’s Attorney Robert E. who for long had proved to be a person of integrity reacted to the bombing incidences through vowing to have new state bill. He declared that, whoever was to be caught with bombing cases would serve for 25 years in penitentiary with death sentence as the maximum punishment. He also added that whoever who was to be caught placing a bomb where it can endanger children or women would be hanged. Chicago city had very tough and terrible conditions in the nineteenth ward. The gunmen were patrolling all over in the streets. Many bump off and kidnapping threats were being offered to D’Andrea while his supporters were being threatened and slugged. Gunmen and cutthroats had been imported from Buffalo and New York due to campaign intimidation. Within less than one week later, on the Feb. 18th, an explosion was made at the home of D’Andrea’s territorial area which adversely spoiled D’Adrea’s political offices of campaign headquarter. Immediately after each occurrence of bombing, Powers covered himself through posting $2,000 as a reward to capture and arrest the concerned perpetrators (Lesswell 1939, p.87). On the elections day in Feb. 22, 1920, security officers were ready very early in full force throughout Chicago city. They succeeded to arrest around 150 men during the day time. The most notorious one was Edward O Donnell who was the leader of a certain gang in southern sides. The day’s biggest catch included that of dynamite. In the area where the law enforcement officers called the headquarter for pre-election bomb outrage in the 19th ward, the security officers managed to raid a certain farm near the 71st street and the Avenue Central park. They were able to collect around 200 pounds of uncovered dynamite and many sacks of blasting powder indicating that those were the major bomb manufacturing centers. From the residence, two men were arrested (Wirth 1973, p.99). Within the 19th ward, more than 450 police officers were stationed. Before noon on the same day, 50 violators were under the police custody. In surprise, despite the fact that many security officers were put in place, three people from the camp of powers including the election judge and the precinct captain had already been kidnapped in the morning section. Power emerged as the winner by a slim margin of only 435 votes. This however did not put to an end the criminal activities and war. In less than just three weeks after conducting the elections, two precinct captains of Powers where killed mercilessly by gangsters. On March 9th, 1920 at around 9 in the morning section, Bailiff A. who was a municipal court Deputy was attack by two bandits as he walked to work. Just a few distant from that scene the same man was attacked again and hit nine times to death. After the murder of Bailiff A, another man by the name Raimond was also murdered while in his store of cigar on Taylor Street. After the incidence, two of the killers ran from the store and dropped one of the murder weapons on sidewalk. It was immediately speculated that most of the gunmen who were involved in the two killing were imported from New York. On April, 12 of the same year, D’Andrea who used to carry a gun for his own safety purposes was arrested after a social club was raided where the gun was found in his pocket. Also several men were arrested for being found gambling in the club (Woodiwiss 2001, p.71). Eventually, due to many reports of violence and killings being associated with D’Andrea, he decided to withdraw from politics instead of his political ambitions being linked with blood shedding. Immediately after his withdrawal from politics, he and his friend started receiving death threats. On May 11, 1921, as D’Andrea was moving to his home with who used to be his bodyguard, they parted well and on reaching his doorsteps, he was attacked and suffered internal bleeding. Other incidences of violence which were politically oriented were witnessed in Chicago city after Merriam Charles who was a professor lost in the elections of Chicago reforms. He made it clear that Chicago was the most corrupt city in America. Until the times of Cermark, the issue of one monolithic was no more, but instead establishment of a collection of mini machines. Such machineries were controlled by prominent political factotums who dispensed their jobs in favor to their home constituents in return due to their loyalty on the material election date. An alderman’s clout purely depended on liability of political structures and schemes to have his vote delivered. In this city, the question of either winning or losing never rose to the politicians but the organizations definitely won the battles through all means because always the court was based on pluralities. (Landesco,1973) During the Election Day, a message was being sent stating that the enemy should be punished and destroyed such that he can never think of politics again in future. The end justified the resulting means in time of insuring a victory decisive in the often grim Darwinistic struggle for life and death. Threat campaigns, brass knuckles, and even murder came to be the only preferred tactics methods especially when the normal ways of using propaganda and persuading voters seemed not to work. The violence associated with Al Capone and the terror campaigns during the election eve in 1923, he waged against the other political bosses of Cicero. Al Capone tried to invade the blue-collar factory in Chicago town when things proved to be too not for him. Capone was the only piker in the town. Intimidation and violence was the Chicago’s way out, and its roots historically extended very much in those times as compared to the rollicking era of Big Fellow and the bathtub gin. Chicagoans much involvement was in the political elections results not considering distractions of the professional sports televisions and other diversions of 20th century than today. In every ward, there was organization of social clubs which aimed to boost the areas preferred candidates. In the city, there were pageantry of colorful parades, torch light rallies, bombastic oratory emissions of sets of smoke were all over the meeting halls and also scattered all over the city (Adamic 1931, p.56). All these events were to show important senses ethnic pride hopes neighborhood identity, fears and also prejudices which vested in candidate’s fortune and enough courage to descend out of the same dominant nationality which was found within the wards. At times a Republican club or the Democratic club engaged in rival organizations which represented some other districts and the ethnic groups in woolly and wild free for alls which were often settled by bats, bricks and also pavement stones. In 1928, Aiello Capone war was still controlled by Unione Siciliana in Chicago. In April, 1928 elections, Capone supporters were heavily backing their Uniuone Siciliana candidate Bernard Barasa. This group had been associated with a number of explosions in connection with his campaigns although he lost the battle to the incumbent with more than 100, 000 votes. Immediately after the primary elections, Capone left for Miami Beach. In late June 1928, other leaders who included Fischetti Charley, Dab Serritella and Jake Guzik visited the boss. Soon they were accompanied by the famous machine gun jack and other killing twins who had been associated with murder of two Chicago killings of police officers. They discussed the fate of Frank Uale, who was the national president of Unione Siciliana in the state of New York. The next visit of Capone to Chicago was to attend the funeral of Lombardo Anthony, who was the Capone; sponsored president in Chicago.Lombardo had been killed by Aiello forces. As Capone was leaving Chicago, he met Lollordo and discovered that he could be threat to him in aspirating the presidential seat. On January, 8, 1929, Lolordo was shot with .38 Caliber guns without any warning (Landesco 1931, p.68). Conclusion. Some few years later, the long awaited reformist aim of shadowy conspirators who were seeking for control of Chicago’s violence situation got the public attention in the city when vice entrepreneur and boot legging Al Capone and Torrio John rose and prominence shocking violence. Their main agenda discussed about the earliest depictions of the criminal events which oriented from election activities during the boot legging time. They ignored many illegal businesses from international liquor trading networks t neighborhood soft drinks parlors. It also ignored public demands for booze which focused on competition in violence among the gangs in dominations of the illegal trading especially in urban space. Their illustrations also show the fuzzy and ever shifting turf of major gangsters around 1925 which suggests that no Chicagoan could control some of the gang. Generally these criminal events indicated that the city of Chicago had no well established rules to govern the country’s activities. It is also noted that most of the organizations associated with violence were supported and funded by the prominent political aspirant’s. At the same time, more groups of gangs formed due to the advantage of political crisis. For instance, the robberies, arson, rape among other evil events. All these symbolized government’s failure to provide enough security force to curb the problem. References. Adamic L, (1931), Dynamite: The story of classic violence in America, London. Asbury H, (2002).The Gungs of New York.London. Brumer H, (1969), Symbolic Interactionsm.Berkly. Davis H, (1960).Reinhold Niebuhr on Politics: New York Gosnell H, (1937).Machine Politics: Chicago Model. Chicago. Green P, (1995).The Mayors: The Chicago Political Tradition. Carbondale. Hagan J, (1978).Modern Criminology. New York. Haller M, (1973).Organized Crime in Chicago Part iii of the Illions crime survey 1929.Chicago. Landesco J, (1973), Organized Crime in Chicago: Part iii of the Illions Crime Survey 1929.Chicago. Lasswell H, (1939).World Revolutionary Propaganda: A Chicago Study. New York. McGarry j, (2004).The Northern Ireland Conflict: Consociational Engagements. Oxford. Merriam C, (1929).Chicago: A More Intimate View of Urban Politics.New York. Shapiro H, (1988).White Violence and Black Response: Amherst. Wirth L, (1965).On Cities and social life.Chicago. Woodiwiss M, (2001), Organized Crime and American Power. Toronto.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Successful Repositioning of Lucozade Essay -- GCSE Business Manage

The Successful Repositioning of Lucozade Lucozade has successfully repositioned itself in the market. Describe and analyse the marketing strategy used by the business to increase profit? A recent report on the UK Market for sports and energy drinks showed that the category has continued to grow at an explosive rate with more than 20 launches and relaunches in that market alone last year. Probably one of the most successful relaunches of the 1990s was the repositioning of Lucozade from a health drink to a sports drink. Lucozade is now one of the most widely recognized brands in Britain, but it has taken a long time to get, so we have to ask ourselves – How did this happen? Lucozade has been around since the 1920s and was originally sold as glocozade glucose based energy drink for sick children. Later it was rebranded as lucozade and again marketed as a health drink, something you would drink when your energy levels needed boosting such as when you were sick or visiting someone in hospital who was sick; again you would take them a bottle of lucozade. However from the 1990s lucozade rebranded and also extended their brand name Lucozade sport and later Lucozade energy, this rebrand happened for a reason and was part of a strategic marketing campaign to coincide with changes in people’s perception of work, sport and general social attitudes. More often than not, it is social changes, technology and science that push a product in a certain direction...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Roger Sperry

Born August 20, 1913, Roger W. Sperry, won the 1981 Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine. He shared it with two other scientists, Wiesel and Hubel, for research on the nervous system and brain. They were praised for demonstrating the difference between the two hemispheres of the brain and special functions of the right brain. (Roger W. Sperry Biography (n.d.) A moderately controversial psycho biologist, Sperry changed the history of psychology. In 1935, Sperry attended an Introduction to Psychology class. His first page of notes reported two questions. One being, â€Å"Where does behavior come from?† and two, â€Å"What is the purpose of consciousness?† (Puente, A. 1995) His questions lead this intellectual giant into decades of research that would make a permanent impact on neuroscience, neuropsychology, psychology, philosophy, and society worldwide. (Puente, A. 1995) Born in Hartford, Connecticut, Sperry was a son of a banker and son of an Assistant to the Principle at a local High School. He had one brother named Russell, a year younger, who went into chemistry. At 10 years old, Sperry read a William James (1842-1910) publication that influenced his thoughts. At 11 years old, his father passed away, which left him mentally and emotional unfit for some time. As he attended high school, he played sports and was able to letter n the varsity athletics. Between high school and college he lettered three times in varsity athletics. He went on to graduate as an English Major in 1935, obtained a Masters in Psychology in 1937, then earned his Doctorate in Zoology 1941. In his professional career, Sperry held six different professional positions throughout his studies as a researcher and professor. He achieved near thirty-five different awards, honors, and scholarships in his lifetime. He also traveled all over the world to join in research studies. (Odelb erg, W. 1982) Sperry was a shy and reserved man. He married Norma, a fellow biologist in December 1949. Together they had a son and a daughter ten years apart. In his home life, he appeared as a family man as well as he loved collecting fossils, fishing, snorkeling, painting, sports, sculptures, ceramics, and dancing. In the first year of the Sperry's marriage, Roger, during a routine chest x-ray showed evidence of tuberculosis. The couple were sent to New York for treatment. During treatment he began writing monumental concepts of â€Å"Mind and Brain†, (1952) where he began to describe, â€Å"Present day science is quite at a loss even to begin to describe the neural events involved in the simplest forms of mental activity†. (Sperry, R. W. 1952 p.311) His thoughts became a published article in 1952 titled â€Å"Neurology of mind and brain problems.† This was one of two hundred-ninety publications by Sperry. Experimental Studies Sperry is most famous for experimental studies of how brain circuits are formed and for research on mental activities after the connecting tracts between cerebral hemispheres have been cut. While working toward his doctorate, Sperry was in close association with biophysicist Paul Weiss. Weiss developed a surgery to analyze how connections between nerves and muscles are patterned in amphibian. This experiment showed regeneration of links from eye to brain, and brain to muscles after having one eye removed and one rotated 180 degrees. (Trevarthen, C. 2004) In 1950, Sperry took one eye and transferred the other eye to the opposite side of the head in a fish or newt, resulting in them going in circles or appearing to be chasing their tail. Sperry concluded there is an internal brain signal, helping both perception of self movement and the focus of perception while the world is in motion. (Trevarthen, C. 2004) In 1953, Sperry and graduate student, Ronald Myers, invented an operation in cats to cut the crossover of visual nerves, and lead the nerves to only one cerebral hemisphere. While leaving one hemisphere intact for the animal to function . They tried several versions of crossovers. Specific connections could transmit learning. This operation is the route of the term â€Å"split brain†. These experiments extended to monkeys. (Trevarthen, C. 2004) In 1960, Neurosurgeon Joseph Bogen and Sperry observed behavior of split brain monkeys outside test situations. Their observations indicated that the left hemisphere which is normally the dominant and learning side, was virtually unimpaired and offered promise of relief from debilitating epileptic fits. (Trevarthen, C. 2004) Epilepsy disturbs brain function and can cause injury, brain damage or death. In 1962, Bogen performed a total neocortical commissurotomy, also known as brain surgery on a man who suffered frequent epileptic attacks. Sperry was able to apply systematic psychological tests after the surgery. In 1965, researchers explored a small population of brain surgery patients. Once understanding the connections achieved, this step in human brain surgery reached into all areas of human mental life and excited immense public and scholarly interest. (Trevarthen, C. 2004) In 1964, Roger Sperry, in a conference to the Division of Biology at Caltech, presented his ideas on consciousness. For the first time in psychology's history, Sperry was able to give his professional thesis on behavior and consciousness. Stating behavior is not only the culmination of complex interworking of neuronal patterning, but such patterning would give rise to consciousness. This consciousness would have causal effect on specific neuronal activity. (Puente, A. 1995) In laymen's terms, our behavior affects our consciousness, and our consciousness affects our behavior. Giving an answer to questions he had asked himself nearly 30 years before. Summary Sperry continued his research until the end of his life. He received an APA Lifetime Achievement Award at the 101st convention of the American Psychological Association in August of 1993. Several extraordinary breakthroughs have been achieved from the dedication, research, and logic Sperry was able to share with his colleagues. He was able to give humans with neurological problems life rather than having to suffer. Roger W. Sperry died on April 17, 1994, in Pasadena, CA from neuromuscular degenerative disorder. References http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1981/sperry-autobio.html# http://www.faqs.org/health/bios/41/Roger-W-Sperry.html http://people.uncw.edu/puente/sperry/sperrypapers/50s/46-1952.pdf

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Women Are Better Than Men

Women are Better than Men English Research Paper Regina Erica T. Varilla January 25, 2012 Introduction As to the talk of gender superiority, it is clear that history had given men the advantage. For the past several millennia, men had worn the crown of authority, seated upon the highest seat of honor, and wielded the mighty arm of power. For all those years, women had no chance but to fall under power, to live a life of service and obedience, and to remain invisible, oppressed and inferior. Times change, however, and along with modernization came a tsunami of altercation.Riding on top of those powerful waves, with full control of the situation, are women. Research and statistics have proven that women are rapidly gaining dominion of almost every good aspect in life. In academics, for example, girls are receiving most of the awards and positions, including the top rankings and extra-curricular activities such as the yearbook and the student journal. Even in fields wherein men are know n to be specialized in, women are now thriving. In jobs, statistics show that the jobless rates for men are sky-rocketing while the jobless rates for women are going to an all-time low.Simply put, this means that men are being put out of commission while women are flourishing. More and more women are now standing up from their previous position of kneeling at the feet of men. Recently in India, 285 girls shed â€Å"unwanted† names. In Africa, 49% of the parliament is now composed of women. A revolution is happening, and this is proof of it. Scope This research paper covers the comparison between men and women at the subjects of physical weakness, emotional weakness, Biblical origins, safe driving, and the ability to survive in society, including academic ability, ndurance, and independence. Objective The main objective of this research paper is to prove women’s superiority in most aspects, especially in this generation. Other aspects include: * To empower women more * To show the true potential of women * To prove to society that this is an era for women * To bring about a reformation * To end the debate over gender superiority for all time * To end discrimination on women * To let the world see the multiple values of women in humankind Significance of Study This research paper strives to prove the superiority of women over men as multiple evidences prove.Due to a long history of males being the superior gender, society has failed to see entirely the concept that a new era has come, and along with it, another call for change; a change which demands society to remove the blindfold of habitual ways and to accept the world with its new leaders: Women First and foremost, his research paper will affect women in the sense that they will hopefully see and understand that humanity, even though it may not yet fully realize it, has already accepted them as the new superpowers, and that the world is ready for their taking.They just have to stand and have th e confidence, which hopefully shall be further strengthened by this collection of data, to rule supreme, as they are made to be. This research paper shall help empower other women to face the world without fear, knowing that the circumstances are favorably on their side. The contents of this research paper shall also affect men, though in a different approach. It shall be an eye-opener for them who believe in women being the inferior gender, and hopefully make them see that women are no longer the weaklings they previously thought women are.As for those who are not subject to such beliefs, this shall also affect them due to the huge probability of men being overrun soon, and may be required to find a way to save themselves in the near future. Another group of people predicted to find interest in this paper shall be the feminists. By showing that women are steadily growing into power and seating themselves in chairs of authority, it is then proved that these feminists’ efforts were not in vain. On the contrary, they have worked exceedingly well.If the citizens change, then it is mandatory for the government shall evolve with them. It may not be long before majority of the cabinet members become women, and perhaps even sooner, the head of the country itself. Women in history have always worked behind the scenes. As the quotation â€Å"History repeats itself† tells us, the reign of women in the field of politics will no doubt be much less scandalous than present. The workforce of the country may also be severely infected. Businesses up until now have preferred men over women.Modern machinery, however, have tipped the balance of the scale. With the need of physical strength no longer in play, women now have a fair or perhaps an even better chance at jobs than men. It can be estimated that at the late 21st century, women shall be the expected breadwinner of the family. Body Physical Weakness When it comes to the battle of the sexes, the subject of phy sical vulnerability can never be ignored. People generally have this misconception where in girls are the weaker gender between the two. It is a misconception, because they are not the weaker gender at all.They cannot be blamed for having this wrong idea, as boys have more cerebrospinal fluid (protects skull from damage) and are more fitting to receive painful blows. The medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery even stated that women have 34 nerve fibers per square centimeter of facial skin, while men only have 17 nerve fibers per square centimeter of facial skin. Also, according to a 2008 report from the University of Georgia in Athens, boys have a more advanced pain suppressing circuit that is less effectively wired in women.Thus, it cannot be denied that girls still experience more pain in their lifetime. A few more examples are giving birth, having menstruation, and possessing more weak spots. Furthermore, these pains come naturally to them, as opposed to boys, wherein the fights they get into are purely their decision. They know it, but chose to ignore this fact. Men, however, do not have knowledge of one of women’s secret weapons, that is, estrogen. In 2002, researchers at the University of Michigan have proven that high levels of estrogen mean at least equal or higher pain tolerance than men.This can be extremely useful during menstruation, pregnancy, and even child birth. Estrogen, however, is not the only weapon that womankind has. All those ear piercings, body waxing and high heeled shoes must have hurt very much, and since a girl is not on her period all the time, then it must not only be estrogen at work. According to a professor from Columbia University, research has shown that the more a person notices pain, the more it is amplified. Since women are willing to go through such pains for extensive periods of time, they have gotten used these pain signals.Not long after, the brain will start ignoring these signals, leading to better pain tolerance. Over time, women can develop this endurance to surpass that of men’s. Emotional Weakness Both genders experience emotional and psychological letdowns. The difference between how they react, however, is extremely huge. Thanks to Hollywood, women are generally mistaken as the weaker gender. This holds absolutely no truth at all. Research has proven that both men and women experience the same depression and vulnerability during an emotional letdown. What differs, however, is how they let the stress out of their systems.According to SAGE, women tend to turn to social circles, thus their depression is observed and understood, while men tend to confine themselves and avoid any social contact, leading to a build-up of even more stress and depression due to being hidden and misunderstood. This is disastrous for men as the loss of socialization is the cause of the problem in the first place, and may resort to drugs, drinking, and violence just to â€Å"numb† th e feeling off. This then may lead to crime, resulting to a higher crime rate for men, and a chain of events and statistics. Survival in the SocietyA tradition that goes back in time is the thinking that males are the breadwinner of the family. The reason for this is in ancient history, when food is mainly acquired from hunting, needing attributes like developed muscles and huge bone structures. This task is best fitted for men. Modern times, however, has a different sort of battlefield. The difference in the demand for physical strength between then and now is vast. During the past millennia, physical labor is extremely high. In this modernized world, however, equal or even greater strength can be achieved through the press of only a few buttons.The industrial era of today involves intelligence and skill, both attributes being thoroughly honed by women to make up for the lack of strength. One reason for these differences is the different composition of the male and female brains. Sc ientists at the University of Pennsylvania’s Brain Behavior Laboratory found out that although the females’ brains are on average 11% smaller than males’, they still have more grey matter (used for processing information). Males have more white matter (fat-covered long fibers that transmit electrical impulses) and cerebrospinal fluid (acts as buffer from the skull).This may mean that women are designed to have certain advantages in processing information and men are designed to have quicker reflexes and more solid protection for physical blows. Other factors responsible for the female brain boost maybe the higher rate of blood flow to certain parts of the brain and again, estrogen levels. According to Dr. Legato, author of Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget, the part of the brain that controls languages in females receive more nutrition, therefore making it easier for women to recall what they have heard or read.This may explain the ability of women t o socialize and to manage conversation well, and possibly the exceptional ability of data interpretation. As for estrogen, he had said that it activates a larger field of neurons in a woman’s brain, so they experience stress in a more accurate way, even when only reliving the memory. Proofs of females having superior academic abilities are already cropping up. According to a report from CBSNews, boys are falling behind as girls tend to outshine them. Peter Badalment, principal of Hanover High School in Massachusetts, said that girls took home almost all the honors for nearly the past decade.Once again, it was a girl who became valedictorian, the latest of a nine-year-streak. In the school’s advanced placement classes (equivalent of a cream section or a star section), majority (about 70%-80%) of the students comprise of girls, even in the field of Math, which is the section boys used to dominate. He also stated that in AP biology, there were no boys around at all. Also according to Badalment, 3 out of 4 class leadership positions belong to girls. Not only are they achieving in class, they are also the leaders of extracurricular activities and clubs such as the National Honor Society and the batch’s yearbook.Even in college, campuses get more qualified women applicants. Women now comprise nearly 60% of the campus student body, earning 170,000 more degrees It is not only in the field of academics that women are proving to be much more efficient, but also in getting high paying jobs. When comparing charts for jobless rates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Haver Analytics, it is clear that the trend for jobless men is rising, while the trend for jobless women is plunging. If this trend persists, it will mean that in the future, there will be more working women than working men.The possibility of having a â€Å"househusband† may be hovering before humanity in the near future. Driving It is common knowledge that cars and driving ski lls are â€Å"a boy thing†. This, however, does not mean that they do it well; this battle is, as the common saying goes, â€Å"quality versus quantity†. Although men are generally known to drive more, women are found to drive safer. Statistics show that on percentage basis, men have about 5% more violations than women. Reckless driving tops the list, with men’s violations more than 340% than that of women’s.DUI (Driving Under Influence or Drunk Driving) and Seatbelt violations are next in line, also more than 300% in ratio than the violations of women. Reports does not make it easier for men, as it say that women, for one, tend to survive in accidents more often, and two, they make less damage to the vehicles, as confirmed by many auto insurance industry experts. Biblical Origins It is commonly repeated by anti-feminists that God created men first, then the woman, out of the man, as it states in Genesis 2:22(KJV Bible) clearly: â€Å"And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman†.This, however, is not a mark of superiority; there simply has to be a filtering process first. It is just like the process involved in producing white sugar. The raw material comes in the form of sugar canes. These are just like the mud used to form man. They are useful, but in a different, less significant way when compared to their output products. These canes are then crushed and processed until they become brown sugar, coarse and as the name indicates, brown. This is man, as first made by God. They are crude sketches. This brown sugar is further processed and refined. The end result shall be white sugar.This white sugar is, at last, women. Being â€Å"refined†, they are finer, improved, and much more preferred. Another common mistake made by the general public is the misconception of the word ‘sons’. In old times, ‘son’ can refer to 2 definitions. The first defines the word as ‘male ch ild’; the second defines the word as ‘human offspring’, with no particular gender involved. It is, therefore, of no substantial argument. Summary and Conclusion To put it simply, women are scientifically and statistically proven to be the greater gender. Physical and emotional weaknesses have fewer tolls upon women.The lack of physical strength has been overcome by technological advances. There are no shortages to brain power, and independence has been steadily growing for the past few decades. With all these facts and data supporting the side of women, it is clear that the battle has been won. Modernization has proved an invaluable friend, having provided women access to fields they have never been allowed to step upon before. Now that they are at those fields, they are proving good at it. It is simple to predict that in a few decades’ time, women will have taken over completely. BibliographyAbrams, Dan. Man Down. USA: Abrams Imagery Animated. 2011 Belkin , Lisa. â€Å"Preferring Girls Over Boys†. The New York Times. February 25, 2010 [email  protected] com â€Å"Preference for Sons on the Wane†. April 29, 2011. http://English. chosun. com/site/data/html_dir/2011/04/29/2011042901189. html â€Å"How Sugar is Made† http://www. sucrose. com KJV Bible Kohn, David. â€Å"The Gender Gap†. CBNNews. February 11, 2009. http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2002/10/31/60minutes/main527678. shtml Lazarus, Clifford N. PhD. â€Å"Why Women Are the Superior Gender†. Think Well. February 2, 2011 Lee, Yonson and Beth Mowry. Gender Differences in Emplyment Statistics†. http://www. clecelandfed. org/research/trends/2008/0508/04ecoact. cfm Lewin, Tamar. â€Å"At Colleges, Women are Leaving Men in the Dust†. The New York Times. July 9, 2006 Mackey, Maureen. â€Å"Who Remembers What? †. Reader’s Digest. March 2008. http://www. rd. com/family/who-remembers-what. html Mulrine, Anna. â€Å"Are Boys the Weaker Sex? †. Reader’s Digest. Hong Kong: Reader’s Digest Association Far East. October 2002. â€Å"Sugar Production From Sugar Cane â€Å". http://www. itdg. org/docs/technical_information_service/sugar_production_from_cane. pdf

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Insulin resistance may gradually become worse as time goes Essay Example

Insulin resistance may gradually become worse as time goes Essay Example Insulin resistance may gradually become worse as time goes Paper Insulin resistance may gradually become worse as time goes Paper To understand what is occurring in the cellular level in type 2 diabetes we must first understand how the pancreas, blood glucose and insulin are related to diabetes. The condition known as diabetes mellitus occurs when there is too much glucose in the blood and this is also reflected in the abnormal amount of sugar in the urine (Layman 275). Type 2 diabetes usually occurs later in life and is believed to be the result of insulin resistance, among others (Mathur, â€Å"Insulin Resistance,† par. 4). After eating a meal that is rich in sugar or carbohydrates, the glucose level in the blood goes up and this stimulates the beta cells in the pancreas (Layman 273). What is the result of this excitation of the beta cells? The answer is that they speed up the release of insulin into the blood and these act as messengers to the fat cells, liver cells, and   the skeletal muscle cells (Layman 274). There is a certain mechanism by which the insulin molecules are able to send their message to the cells regarding the increase in glucose in the blood. When the insulin molecules bind to the surface of the cell, they are able to activate an intracellular molecule that initiates changes in how the cell makes use of glucose (Layman 274). This intracellular molecule causes two essential adjustments to cell metabolism. It hastens up the activity of the glucose carrier proteins that play an important role in transferring the glucose from the blood to the target cells, and then it also sets off an enzyme that plays a key role in the conversion of glucose into energy (Layman 274). Thus, in the normal process, the extra glucose in the blood is used up by the target cells for the production of energy. However, in type 2 diabetes in which there is insulin resistance the cells fail to properly respond to the message from the insulin molecules, and because of this abnormal situation, more insulin is required to be able to cause the necessary effects ( Mathur, â€Å"Insulin Resistance,† par. 2). Insulin resistance may gradually become worse as time goes by until such time that the pancreas are no longer able to secrete the required amount of insulin to trigger the appropriate response in the cells ( Mathur, â€Å"Insulin Resistance,† par. 7). Because the amount of insulin is no longer able to sufficiently activate the use of the glucose in the blood for cell energy, glucose begins to accumulate in the blood and we now have type 2 diabetes (Mathur, â€Å"Insulin Resistance,† par. 7). Studies have revealed there is a relationship between insulin resistance and obesity, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, high blood cholesterol, and having family members who have type 2 diabetes, among others (Mathur, â€Å"Insulin Resistance,† par. 17). Therefore, studies have focused on these conditions to find a cure or to prevent type 2 diabetes. Some clinical trials have demonstrated the importance of strictly controlling the amount of blood sugar as a way to avoid or delay the onset of serious complications (â€Å"Type 2 Diabetes Fact Sheet† p. 2). Other studies have concentrated on the production of glucose monitors that continuously indicated sugar levels and still others have focused on oral drugs that target the abnormalities in how the cells use glucose (â€Å"Type 2 Diabetes Fact Sheet† p. 2). Some of these oral agents try to decrease the amount of insulin that is required while others attempt to regulate the amount of blood glucose. Future research are being prepared to determine those genes that make a person more susceptible to type 2 diabetes, the molecular mechanisms that cause obesity to be related to insulin resistance, and the preemption of diabetes as an effort to avoid complications that could result to death (â€Å"Type 2 Diabetes Fact Sheet† p. 2). Layman, Dale Pierre. Biology Demystified. New York: 2003. Mathur, Ruchi. â€Å"Insulin Resistance.† Eds. Jay W. Marks and William C. Shiel. MedicineNET. 27 Jun. 2009. medicinenet.com/insulin_resistance/article.htm Type 2 Diabetes Fact Sheet. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD: 2008.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Free Online Public Schools for SC Students K-12

Free Online Public Schools for SC Students K-12 South Carolina offers resident students the opportunity to take online public school courses for free. In order to qualify for the list, schools must meet several qualifications: the classes must be available completely online, they must offer services to the students state of residence, and they must be funded by the government. Virtual schools may be charter schools, state-wide public programs, or private programs that receive government funding. Here is a list of no-cost online schools currently serving elementary and high school students in South Carolina. List of Alabama Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Insight School of South Carolina link is to national network of schoolsSouth Carolina Virtual School Bad link https://www.k12.com/participating-schools.html?statesouth-carolina About Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Many states now offer tuition-free online schools for resident students under a certain age,  often 21). Most virtual schools are charter schools; they receive government funding and are run by a private organization. Online charter schools are subject to fewer restrictions than traditional schools. However, they are reviewed regularly and must continue to meet state standards. Some states also offer their own online public schools. These virtual programs generally operate from a state office or a school district. State-wide public school programs vary. Some online public schools offer a limited number of remedial or advanced courses not available in brick-and-mortar public school campuses. Others offer full online diploma programs. A few states choose to fund â€Å"seats† for students in private online schools. The number of available seats may be limited and students are usually asked to apply through their public school guidance counselor. (See also: 4 Types of Online High Schools). Choosing a South Carolina Online Public School When choosing an online public school, look for an established program that is regionally accredited and has a track record of success. Be wary of new schools that are disorganized, are unaccredited, or have been the subject of public scrutiny. For more suggestions on evaluating virtual schools see: How to Choose an Online High School. How to Choose an Online High School http://distancelearn.about.com/od/virtualhighschools/a/OnlineHighQ.htm 4 Types of Online High Schools http://distancelearn.about.com/od/virtualhighschools/a/HS_Types.htm Online Charter School Basics http://distancelearn.about.com/od/virtualhighschools/a/CharterInfo.htm How to Find an Online Charter School http://distancelearn.about.com/od/virtualhighschools/a/CharterSchool.htm School Accreditation http://distancelearn.about.com/od/accreditationinfo/a/accreditation1.htm Regionally Accredited Online High Schools http://distancelearn.about.com/od/virtualhighschools/a/RAOnlineHS.htm Online High School Pros and Cons http://distancelearn.about.com/od/virtualhighschools/a/hsprosandcons.htm

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ndividual Written Analysis of the Case Enterprise-Rent-A-Car Study

Ndividual Written Analysis of the Enterprise-Rent-A-Car - Case Study Example Enterprise also started developing its relationship with top insurance companies which helped in expanding its business. Moreover, in the year 1980, Jack stepped out from the top post and promoted his son Andy as the president of Enterprise which led to a frequent growth of revenue in the company. In the year 2010, Enterprise became the seventh largest private company in the United States with annual revenue more than 12 million US Dollars. The main reason for success of Enterprise was that the company stressed on providing the best customer service and which created the brand value for the company. Moreover, the company trained its managers in such a way that determined and reduced the demotivating aspects i.e. absence of feedback, misinterpreting the significance of a given task and lack of concern for inefficient performance. In addition, the company divided its market into two segments that involved the local market and the airport market which accounted for revenue of 20 million US Dollars and contributed to the success of the Enterprise (Busse and Swinkels 1-15). Thesis Statement. The study intends identify the key assets, competitive advantages along with activities of Enterprise. Besides, the key challenges as well as opportunities linked to the firm’s business model and practices will also be ascertained and subsequent recommendations will be provided. Enterprise had expended more than 10 million US Dollars to research on the satisfaction of the customers and their valuable experience. It has been revealed that Enterprise focused on the three main aspects which included the approach and effectiveness of the employees, the transaction speed and the hygiene factor of the car. Thus, if these three aspects were attained successfully than the customers’ would be satisfied. It was observed that over 70% customers were essentially satisfied and developed the intention of using the services of Enterprise again. Enterprise also used Enterprise Service